Drug Testing Welfare and Foodstamp recipients - why stop there?

UPDATE: HERE IS LIVING PROOF THAT WHAT I WRITE HERE NEEDS TO HAPPEN - A STATE REP IN FLORIDA - WHO WANTED MANDATORY DRUG TESTING FOR WELFARE RECIPIENTS JUST GOT BUSTED FOR COCAINE: READ ABOUT HIM HERE The Michigan House recently passed a measure to require anyone receiving welfare benefits to be tested for drug use (read about it here ). A decade or so ago Governor Engler tried the same thing, but the Courts struck it down. Okay, so lets go with the premise - folks getting taxpayer money should be certified DRUG FREE. Yeah baby, we do not want our hard earned tax dollars to get folks high. At first, I was put off by this idea. Seemed a tad invasive. I have seen the light brothers and sisters. In fact, the light I saw was SO DANG BRIGHT, it made me realize EVERYONE who LIVES ON TAX $$$ should be drug tested - starting with Michigan legislators and their staff. (for some relaxing music click here ) According to the Mackinac Center for Public Policy (not exactly a bunch of lef...