Why no internet slacktivism aimed at Apple?

What is the deal with 'Mericans and Apple? My question pertains to the TOTAL lack of internet activism directed at this company. Some great stuff has happened because of so-called "slacktivism". A bunch of uptight ladies jump on JC Penney for using a (gasp) lesbian for spokesperson and BOOM - that group of gals got their collective asses handed to them on a plate and Penney's gained a ton of new fans. Rush Limbaugh calls someone a "slut" for using birth control and BLAMMO - the internet comes alive and sponsors pull their money faster than you can update yer FB page. I am old enough to remember when it was discovered that Kathy Lee's line of clothing was being made by kids (it was in 1996) under piss poor conditions for sale in Wal-Mart, the poop hit the propeller and things changed quickly. She was so affected by the whole thing that she worked with President Clinton to address child labor. So, how come with ALL the attention being focused ...