Wall Street undoing explained in Rolling Stone.

For an excellent time line on the Wall Street mess, I suggest this in depth coverage by Matt Taibbi in the current Rolling Stone. He uses the F bomb a lot, but IMHO his explanation of how things progressed is impressive.
WARNING: Could offend donkeys and elephants. The crap started under Clinton, was nurtured and flourished under Bush and he makes it clear that our current Treasury Secretary is cut out of the same cloth as the boys who engineered this train wreck.


Anybody who holds on to the hope/opinion/dream that one political party is somehow better than the other might as well drink the real Kool Aid. The powers that be are all from the same bolt of cloth - no matter if they put Democrat or Republican on their lapel.
The longer we keep clinging to the smokescreen that the Two Party System produces anything but an assembly line of power mongers who love to cram money and power into their own pockets at the expense of our country the longer they will succeed at their mission.


Unknown said…
Fritz SEZ: Abolish political parties! Then what would you have? I belong to the CSI or Clinton Co. Ionia Co. and Shiawassee Co. Rails to Trails Fred Meijer bicycle group. With a generous gift from Fred Meijer, we soon will have a bicycle trail gong from My town, Owosso to the center of Ionia Co. and eventually meet up with the Kal-Haven or some other bike trail leading to a cross state trail for bicycles. Well a group of horse people are trying to take over the trail and make it a dual use trail for horses and bikes. Not a good idea. Horses and bicycles are not compatible. My gun club has several interests, primitive shooting, line shooting (targets), and costume and reenactment. The three groups are at odds over the use of our 60 acres. Every group I have ever belonged to has sub-groups based upon their interests. There are actually several political parties, Libertarian, Socialist, Labor, and I remember once seeing the Communist party on ballots besides the Republican and Democrat Parties. If you remove the caboose from a train, you still have a caboose. I am a member of the County, State and National Democrat parties whose members and candidates come closest to reflecting my and my families values concerning National issues as well as local and state issues.
You can abolish political parties but it will not stop the caucusing of groups that try to sway legislation in their favor. These groups would soon adopt a name or title for the convenience of identifying others with similar interests.
Big Red Dawg said…
My point about the two party system not working is not a suggestion to abolish same. The issue I am trying to get at is that when someone is so blinded by party loyalty (to one or the other of the Big Two) then it is unfortunate to an extreme because it gets the focus off what those in power are doing.
If one is so committed to one party or the other that they think all the wrongdoing is the fault of the opposing party, then such people are missing the boat in my opinion.
When you study the Wall Street mess you learn that both Dems and Reps helped bring it along and nuture it into a beast that is gobbling billions of dollars to keep rich people afloat.
We can't spend money to help some poor bastard who lost his house to the flood in New Orleans, but we can throw buckets of cash at wealthy financial operators who caused the problem in the first place. Why is that? Cuz the guy in the trailer was never able to slip his rep or senator $5,0000 at a fundraising dinner.
Fritz said…
Cliffy SEZ: "Why is that? Cuz the guy in the trailer was never able to slip his rep or senator $5,0000 at a fundraising dinner."

Fritz SEZ: "That is what Republicans call "Freedom of Speech!"
Big Red Dawg said…
Fritz - you are either missing my point or proving it.
Missing - my point is that BOTH political parties are chasing the money/power/influence with equal abandon. I didn't notice any of the democratic nominees for cabinet positions paying fines or penalties for their non-payment of taxes. You ever been late or miscalculated a tax payment? There are ALWAYS fines/fees to pay.

Proving - you are letting your loyalty to the donkeys blind you to what is really going on.
Fritz said…
In the past historical election cycle the Democrats have been able to raise vastly more money than the Republicans due mainly to internet activity and reaching out to the little man/woman. The average campaign gift to Obama was $87. My wife, not me, gave the average or nearly so to Obama. We have never in our lives donated money to political candidates before. Not so many years back the Dems were complaining about all the money the Republicans raised and how unfair it was. The Republicans complained it was against "Free Speech" to limit campaign donations. Well, guess what, now the Republicans are complaining about the money the Dems are raising. I didn't think I missed the point but agreed with you in fact. I've been reading on Canadian campaigns and the law limits how much money a candidate can SPEND on an election no matter how much he/she raises. I think that is a good idea. I think I agree with you that no one should be able to BUY an election. I am certainly NOT trying to start a flame war here. My visits with you are enjoyable and wish to continue them.
Big Red Dawg said…
I don't want to flame out either. While it is true that the "average" donation was $87, that does NOT mean Mr Obama was bereft of huge contributions.
Maybe this internet way of communicating is not so good for the two of us.
My initial point was to examine the history of the Wall Street mess and that Matt Taibbi's report seemed to impilcate BOTH political parties having a hand in allowing what went on.
You took that I wanted to do away with the two parties and it has gone down hill from there.
Anyway - how about those Tigers? What do you think they will do this season?

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