Early Reviews of "Otter Was A Beagleish Dog" by Cliff Yankovich
Cliff Yankovich is a partner in Chimera Design along with his wife, Julie Claire DeVoe. Chimera is a mom and pop jewelry store on Main Street in Lowell, Michigan since 2002. Cliff has been a free lance writer since the 1980‘s. His work has appeared in many local, regional, and even a few national publications. Cliff is most proud of bringing home the prestigious “Most Hate Mail Received In A One Year Period” award which was presented to him in 2002 by the editor of The View - a weekly newspaper in which he had a column.
(Who knew the parents selling cookies for their kids had such thin skin?)
This book represents an effort on his part to claw his way back to the pinnacle of those halcyon days.
The Pre-Publication Reviews are pouring in:
“Any relation to Wierd Al?” The Columbus Receiver
“We were expecting more mention of his outstanding work on the accordion.”
Chicago Weakly Thymes
“Maybe he should stick to polkas...” Polska Przepraszam
“Recommended by most of us for our patients who chew gum.” Those Dentists