Free Electronic Music For Slideshows

I love to tinker around with electronic music.
Some of what I have done is on Soundcloud.
After a friend expressed interest in using some of it
for background music in slideshows he does for his customers,
I thought I might just make my music available to anyone.

So, if you would like to use any of the music I have up on Soundcloud,
then CLICK THIS LINK and help yourself.
All I would ask is that IF you can, please give me a credit and/or
put a link to my Soundcloud music so others might do the same.

Most of the tracks are 2-3 minutes, a couple are longer, but
feel free to shorten or lengthen them as you need.
Just click THIS LINK and help yourself.
No internet spying, no information collection - just FREE slideshow music.

is on Soundcloud


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