Throat Cancer Week 2.5 - a BIG mental break through for little Cliffy.

Just had a wonderful "Eureka" moment as I was washing up some dishes after dinner. (Really, I do dishes - if Julie is going to spoil me with the great food she prepares, I am more than happy to do some clean up. Ask her.) This is a photo reproducing what happened in my brain over the sink. Okay - don't know if you have snooped around my blog here at all, but the BIGGEST attraction on here is my account of dealing with gall stones using an alternative method. If you google - "gallstones olive oil" the #3 link that comes up is to that very blog post from June 2008. (Read the gallstone post.) Say what you will about it, to date it has been viewed over 93,000 times and it gets over 1,000 views a week. Nothing compared to an "oops" video of some actress getting out of a car, but certainly the big hitter on my blog. In summary, my whole point of view in that post is that I eschewed the traditional medical method of surgery for a somewhat d...