What is the difference between Mel and Charlie?

Without a doubt Mel Gibson has been digging himself into a pretty deep hole with his racial comments and misogynistic comments. Women all over the country are outraged - vowing to never again watch a Mel Gibson movie. Meanwhile Charlie Sheen remains the highest paid actor on TV. The same Charlie Sheen who: "Accidentally" shot his girlfriend Kelly Preston in the arm in 1990. Knocked his girlfriend Brittany Ashland to the ground so hard she lost consciousness. Was accused by his second wife of threatening to kill her with a knife. (Should we mention the affidavit signed by the nanny? Nah.) Was arrested and taken to the slammer on Christmas Day in 2009 for assaulting his wife Brooke Mueller. Who is not only a tad rough on the women in his life, but also is very big in the 9/11 Truth Movement, those folks who think the Bush administration was actually behind the attacks on 9/11. Ladies - why aren't you tearing your hair out and threatening or boycotting Mr Sheen with...