Why We Need More Women In Office - To Put An End To The Endless Pissing Contests

"A pissing contest , or pissing match , is a game in which participants compete to see who can urinate the highest, the farthest, or the most accurately. [1] Although the practice is often associated with adolescent boys, women have been known to play the game, and there are literary depictions of adults competing in it. Since the 1940s the term has been used as a slang idiomatic phrase describing contests that are "futile or purposeless", especially if waged in a "conspicuously aggressive manner". [2] As a metaphor it is used figuratively to characterise ego -driven battling in a pejorative or facetious manner that is often considered vulgar." Wikipedia Ever since the election, I have been doing my concerted best to avoid the news. Each day is a new load of crazy in our effort to make America Great Again. That being said, the Pissing Contest between President Trump and Benevolent Dictator Kim...