Let the kids sell the cookies n popcorn, okay?
Originally published in 2002 in The View (helped me win an award!) Who Is Selling Those Cookies? “Greg – you don’t look like a Girl Scout.” Does anyone you work with have daughters in the Girl Scouts? Do you tire of said parents selling you cookies? Before you former Scouts practice the hatchet toss at my back, let me apply this to parents of band members, drama class divas, track team, yoga squad, or what ever kids group needs to raise cash. Let me further state that 87.9% of the time if an ACTUAL KID asks me to buy his or her candy bar, bumper sticker, box of cookies, pot holder or whatever, then I am a buyer. The 12.1% who get a “no” tried to sell me something beyond the pale or caught me without any cash. I DO love buying from kids. I DO NOT appreciate parents doing the job for them. What are they teaching their children? “You just stay here in front of the warm monitor honey and daddy will find someone to buy your cook...