Tell Walgreens To Stay In The US and Pay Taxes

I am sure you have all seen the news. Walgreens is poised to "move" their corporate address overseas. The reason: Tax savings. To simplify it - this large Corporation wants to increase their bottom line at the expense of the Nation that CREATES their bottom line in the first place. Walgreens started in 1901 with a single store, now they have 8,678 stores scattered across the country in every one of the fifty states. In 2013, their sales were a reported 72.28 BILLION dollars. Now they want to "move" to save paying taxes to the nation from which they made their fortune. Why do I care? Why am I taking it so personally? Well, I can remember as a kid when my mom would take me to a Walgreens - back when they had a soda fountain and served food. It was a real treat for us to go there and get a sandwich and maybe a chocolate milkshake. Fast forward to last year when I battled throat cancer - all of my medication was...