Stuff That Works - A Review of Avon Gripster Tires.

Knobbies make me Knervous. Bought a new to me 2007 KLR 650 a couple thousand miles ago and it had some knobbie tires on it. As someone with a non-dirt riding background, knobbies on pavement have always made me a tad nervous. While I am no knee draggin' stunt boy, I do enjoy leaning into corners and doing so with knobbies has always made me THINK about my tires - something I do not want to do whilst enjoying my lean. Thankfully the knobbies on the KLR were near the end of their lives after riding on them for a couple of months. (If they were original tires, then they have 10k on them.) When I told him that I was riding mainly on pavement with some dirt/gravel roads thrown in once in a while, the service guy Luke at Treds n Sleds on 29th Street in Kentwood, recommended the Avon Gripsters. I went online for reviews and people seemed very happy with them, so we set a time for them to be installed. Avon Gripster on the rear of my KLR 650. I love thes...