Ian Hunter - 70 and still rockin'.

Ianspirational - he is that. I was fooling around on Rhapsody and uncovered a gem of an album that I used to listen to alla time: "Short Back n Sides" by the one and only Ian Hunter. Been listening to it all over again along with some of his work with Mott The Hoople. Little did I know that he is still at it - in fact he JUST released a new album last month, and the Young Dude is now 70! The new album is "Man Overboard" - if you liked Ian back when we were all a little younger....then you will probably enjoy the new one. A couple of my faves from the new one are "Babylon Blues" and "Great Escape". Way to go Ian. The picture below was taken in 2007 at a festival in England. Looking good.