A flag, an anthem, a sport, and 72 metric tonnes of goose poop later - the Mayor of Lowell is a CANADIAN

My fellow Lowell citizens, please forgive me for presenting this most unpleasant dose of truth to you. If you love a good mystery like I do, then you must appreciate how sometimes the most serendipitous of events can lead the clever person down the path of discovery. Just such an event happened at the last meeting of the Lowell City Council. Being in my usual semi-concious state, something over my left shoulder struck me as out of place. To the best of my knowledge of geology, Lowell is located in America - what on earth was the Canadian flag doing there? I woke my fellow councilmember Jim from his pre-meeting nap and inquired about the maple leaf. Jim helpfully observed that this flag of a foreign power had been in chambers "for a while now", but then he went on to assure me "it keeps moving closer to the center of the room." When I commented to our Mayor about flying the colors of a rival gang, he broke into song. Wha???? Then I realized he was singing the them...