Lowell Woman Faces Chicken Cruelty Charges

Herndon is seen here with two odd looking chickens. After receiving a tip from business person and silly shirt video maker, Cliff Yankovich, Kent County authorities surrounded the house of Lowell resident Karla Herndon in a pre-dawn raid with the sole mission to shut down her "Majick Chikken Food Laboratory and Chicken Ranch". The 14 member team was armed with a 27 page Cease and Desist Warrant citing among other things; "chicken abuse", "animal cruelty", "sketchy science", "practicing hoo-doo without a license". Herndon, a long time Lowell resident, is generally considered to be a kind and considerate person by neighbors who were shocked when the conditions of the Experimental Chickens were revealed. She was described as "compassionate" and "willing to share a smile or a kind word" by neighbors we interviewed for this almost true story. In what might have been an unintentional slip of the tongue, one neigh...