Seven Reasons Why Obama's Farewell Does Not Get Me Misty Eyed

First - I voted for Obama. Secondly - the crap he has had to put up with from the Republican Congress is mostly horseshit. That being said, here are reasons why his farewell week left me dry eyed and unmoved. Pick a progressive issue - any one of them and see how Obama stacks up. 1. Immigration Reform: This president has deported more people than any previous president. If you think they are all criminals and nasty folks, you got it wrong. 2. Give Peace A Chance: Obama has overseen the death of more people by drones than GWB. Do you want to discuss how obscene killing with drones is - some kid in an air conditioned room in Utah is playing a video game that ends in the death of innocent men, women, and children - all done with no possible harm to himself, save for the gnawing mental anguish that is sure to surface. If blowing oneself up while taking innocent lives is cowardice, then how exactly would you classify drone killing? 3. Legalization of Weed: President Ob...