Jim Fox Endorses Cliff Yankovich 86th District Run

I have known and worked with Cliff Yankovich for close to 20 years. I play music for a living and he has appreciated music for a lifetime. I know of his dedication to environmental issues; specifically, when it comes to fresh, potable water from our common source, “The Great Lakes”. We may drink from opposite sides of “The Pond”, but the goals are the same. I know Cliff to be a man of integrity and passion. Cliff takes no PAC dollars. That means he is beholden to no one except his own conscience. His responsibility is to his constituents with no detours when it comes to money and/or loyalty. He is that rare politician who comes with no strings attached.. Depending on how you view Cliff, he is either a “breath of fresh air” in a stale political arena, or a “clean and fresh drink of water”, in a time and place where water quality cannot be taken for granted. I back him and his cause 100%. Jim Fox