Stuff That Works - A Review of The Art of Shaving Products

I am NOT a Brand Name kind of guy. Nor do I believe that the more expensive a product is, the better it is in all cases. That being said, I must tell you that the products from The Art of Shaving are well worth the money you spend on them. NOTE: I paid retail prices at the store for everything and was NOT compensated in any way for this review. Two pieces of history. First, I got into shaving with a single blade about 5 or 6 six years ago. I read an article about how shaving with old fashioned blades was much more Earth friendly. Just for the heck of it, I ordered a copy of the book - The Art of Shaving (this was before they started opening stores all over the country.) The book was great - I learned about having a good boar bristle brush and how to apply the shaving cream with the brush. Now, you can get shaving tips right on their website: Click This Link. Secondly, I have been using LAB Series shave cream for a long, long time. I have compared to...