Throat Cancer - Four Things To Help In Your Fight

Throat cancer is striking a lot of us. I was diagnosed and treated in 2013 - if you are so inclined you can read all of my posts on this subject by clicking THIS LINK HERE. I had three 5-6 hour sessions of IV chemo and 7 weeks of daily radiation (35 treatments). Rather than give you a blow by blow of my treatment, (which you can read by clicking the link) I wanted to boil things down to what I think are four things that will give help you lessen the effects of radiation and chemotherapy and help you in your fight. Not trying to sell anything here - just trying to give anyone fighting throat cancer some useful tools in that battle (to hell with the term "cancer journey" - this is an effin street brawl - you want to use anything and everything in reach to help your cause). These are tools that your treatment team might be overlooking or presenting poorly. 1. FEEDING TUBE - get your feeding tube installed as early as your team will allow it. In my mind I saw a fee...