Stuff That Works: Mooville Chocolate Milk vs Country Dairy

Hello Everyone, my name is Cliff and I am a chocolatemilkaholic. Hi Cliff. My decades long love affair with chocolate milk brings me dangerously close to falling into the abyss of abject milk snobbery. I will do my best to avoid this trap. A few years ago I happily discovered Country Dairy: they are a multi-generational family owned dairy in New Era, Michigan. It is a great place to visit if you are in the area - they have tours, great ice cream, fun things for kids, etc. Visit Country Dairy Website. I was happily convinced that theirs was THE BEST chocolate milk I had ever enjoyed. I like that Country Dairy is family owned and that they do not feed their cows hormones to get more milk from them. By the way, they make great ice cream and other dairy products as well. Two years ago, I found out about Mooville - another family owned dairy in Michigan. They don't use hormones and like Country Dairy they have a great line up of dairy products and you can visit thei...