A Salute to Drummers. No beat, no life. Know Beat - Know Life!

This is written as a response to the cute YouTube vids that portray drummers in a negative light. "Drummer at wrong gig", "mad drummer", etc. As one who drums let me first say to the haters, "I unclog my nose in your general direction." We are all kept alive by a beat - your heart does NOT produce a melody or a guitar solo - YOU GOTTA HEART BEAT if you are taking air and staying alive. The world would be a vastly different place without we had no drums. Consider Christianity - all historical records, or at least the song Bing n David doo-etted on, tell us that Jesus hisself asked for the drummer. "Come, he told me" sings the little drummer boy. He was NOT the little keyboard player or the little DJ - nope, the Son of Man needed some beats. All accounts point to Africa being the cradle of civilization. Pretty common knowledge that the first news, carried on the African News Network, went from village to village via DRUM...