Governor Snyder is one crafty dude.
I was pretty fired up about the recent repeal of our consumer pricing law in Michigan that requires retails to have items individually priced. I wasn't upset about the price tagging, but I was very upset that the NEW law contained a provision that made it a law that could not be undone by popular vote i.e. a referendum. I asked a friend of mine who is an attorney about passing such a law and she told me that the Michigan Constitution guarantees voters the power to change laws passed in Lansing by a referendum. So I went to look it up myself - and she is correct - to a point! This is Article 2, subsection 9 of the Michigan Constitution I highlighted the important parts. Please read the whole thing with attention to the words in red. "ยง 9 Initiative and referendum; limitations; appropriations; petitions. Sec. 9. The people reserve to themselves the power to propose laws and to enact and reject laws, called the initiative, and the power to approve or reject laws enacted ...