Jane Goodall has pushed me too far.

DISCLAIMER: I dig chimps and other primates and we ought not be testing shampoo, make-up, or any other toxic waste on them. I grew up reading about Jane Goodall - I can remember reports about her work with chimps in the National Geographic we got at the house when I was but a wee one. Just read an interview with her in the latest Readers Digest that tripped my freakin' trigger. "RD: Can you sum up what you have learned from 50 years of living among the wild chimpanzees? JG: A little humility. We humans are unique, but we're not as different as we used to think. Between chimps and humans, there is only about a 1 percent difference in DNA. Our biggest difference is our spoken language, which has enabled us to develop culturally in ways that chimpanzees have not." Okay Jane - I gotta differ with you here. I can think of a lot of bigger differences other than our spoken language. TOOLS: Yes, I know monkeys use tools - but how does licking a stick to get termites ...