Farm Subsidies - American Socialism. The good kind.
When I first heard the words "farm subsidies" I figured it was money that was available to help farmers out when they get in a jam. Before we go on, I would like to point out that I live and work in a rural environment. Julie and I are lucky enough to be able to buy corn, honey, apples, maple syrup, eggs, and other items from a FARMER right across the street. We have a farm market in Lowell on Thursdays and there are probably 6-10 farm stands with various products between our home and our shop. We like buying right from the source for a couple reasons. First, you can't get produce that tastes better unless we grow it ourselves. Secondly, we like to directly support farmers and their families. Back to subsidies for farmers - a little investigation reveals that these federal tax dollars are not going to help Josh across the street when his tractor breaks or his chickens become ill with something. It seems that the bulk of the subsidies go to huge farming corporations. Spe...