West Michigan Debut of The Keeper in Lowell

This was originally published in the Lowell Ledger 3.8.23 In addition to his wife and three children, Alto resident and musician extraordinaire Kyle Rasche loves a bunch of things. Among them are writing and performing music, musical theatre, Michigan, the Great Lakes, and lighthouses. If you appreciate one or more items on that list, then you should probably secure a ticket for an event Sunday March 12 th at 4 pm at the Sound Check in Lowell. Sound Check is a great little music venue located at the Lowell United Methodist Church at 621 East Main Street. The event provides a unique opportunity for lovers of music, musical theatre and the Great Lakes to participate in a workshop for “The Keeper”, a brand new musical written by Kyle Rasche in collaboration with Annie Bacon, a singer songwriter based in Ann Arbor. When artists “workshop” a production like “The Keeper”, they perform it without a full cast, set changes or costumes in front of an audience. Think of it as a Focus Group...