The Vast Majority of Jewelry You Purchase is NOT an Investment

This op-ed piece was originally published in the March 2023 edition of InStore magazine. InStore is a trade magazine directed at the jewelry industry for over 20 years. Click here to read it on their website: Click Here I WOULD LIKE TO poke a bear: The alleged “investment value” of jewelry and/or diamonds. Over 27 years in this business, I have always told customers that with the exception of Rolex watches, vintage designer pieces or something with provenance linked to someone famous, the jewelry regular people purchase is just like anything else that is used: The value decreases. I am convinced that we as an industry have done a disservice to people if we even imply that some piece of jewelry we sell will hold or increase in value. To all of the jewelers out there planting the idea that mined diamonds “hold their value” compared to lab-grown: Suppose someone buys a $7,000 engagement ring from you today with a mined diamond. After the divorce 11 months later, how much are you goin...