We Need To Consider Taxation of Church Owned Property

We Need To Consider Taxation of Church Owned Property Please take a couple minutes to read to the end before you write me off as antireligion or some nut case with an axe to grind against religious institutions. What made perfect sense in the past no longer makes any sense in my opinion. Also, please understand from the get go, that taxing church property will have to be addressed on a national level. The City Council cannot mandate property taxes on all the churches in Lowell. Once upon a time, way back before the condition of our infrastructure on a local, state and national level was deplorable, it was decided to not tax church property. Back when this decision was made the only “infrastructure” were dirt roads connecting people of one locality to another. There were no paved roads, no sewer systems, no municipal water delivery, no 911 emergency services, and the fire departments consisted of everyone in town showing up with a bucket and hoping for the best. These t...