Mask And Gun - Two Tools With Similar Goals

Fun Fact - you know you have been hanging out with someone for a long time when you start to think alike. Yesterday my wife Julie and I had very similar thoughts about masks and guns even though we were in two different locations. I was home and she was at the store and the thoughts seem to have occurred at a similar time. Anyway, here is my version. There is a lot of division in my favorite Michigan town about two tools - Guns and Masks . They might seem to be vastly different in materials and proper usage, but my point here is to draw your attention the the similarities. How can a face covering of paper or cloth be similar to a tool designed to ignite gun powder and fling projectiles in space at high speed? I believe there are two common threads in these tools and the people who advocate for their use: Control and Fear . Masks Fear : Those of us who advocate for the wearing of masks in places where face to face interaction is going to occur take a lot of guff from people wh...