If Everyone Does A Little - Solar Panels and Paper Cups

People who are concerned about the well being of our planet's natural resources and the effects we are having on the planet can easily be overwhelmed into thinking we are all seriously screwed. It is easy for any of us to focus on all the past, existing, and potential damage we are doing to the planet and feel like there is no way to make a difference - there is no way to undo all the harm. I would contend that it is possible to focus on the full part of the glass without ignoring the empty. Part of the solar array installed at Sue's house this fall. I see people all around me doing what they can to turn the tide both in a practical manner and even in an informational manner. On the practical side - I have two friends who have added solar arrays to their homes in the last 30 days. In early November Sue and her family put panels on their house and have even started sharing the difference they are seeing in their electricity situation as their system incorporates...