Health care for all unaffordable? The Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan CEO Makes $52,700 A Day - Every Day of The Year

Have you or a loved one been hit with a serious health care issue? If so, did it put a hurt on your financial situation? Do you receive regular requests to help someone who is sick pay their bills? Have you ever attended or contributed to a any effort designed to help pay medical bills? Are you aware that the #1 of bankruptcy in the US is medical bills? Are you aware that we are THE ONLY developed nation without Universal Health Care? Do you know that people in other countries cannot believe the way we treat illness? One of the recurring songs we get to hear in the discussion of Universal Health Care (or Medicare for All or National Health Insurance - pick your favorite name) is that we simply cannot afford it. Milk shoots out my nose when I hear this tired, bullshit ridden trope. Never mind that we live in one of the wealthiest countries on the planet. How about we boil it down to just the State of Michigan - where I live and where Blue Cross Blue Shi...