Queer Eye 4 This Straight Guy Equals Hope 4 America

Sure, I'd heard of the Netflix series "Queer Eye" (as it is now known) prior to this week and had a vague idea of the format of the show. This week we watched it. We didn't go back to the first season to start it, but we started with the first episode of the current season. Mind Blown. Not only was my mind completely blown - the first show had me in tears at least three times. I was in no way prepared to watch Tom, a self-confessed redneck who has settled on the fact that he is ugly, hugging gay men and calling them "brother". As someone who spent one hour a week for a couple years with a good shrink, I could tell right off that Tom has terrible self-esteem issues and is hiding behind his scraggly beard and "ugliness". The Fab Five zeroed in on the same targets. Between them, the five touch on pretty much every touch stone that needs to be overturned in Tom's life. The beauty and kick ass part of this episode for me, a QE rook...