All About The Bait - Alan Teelander is Not A Racist

Alternate title for this might be: Controversy - A Tale Of Two Baits. In my opinion the only thing Alan Teelander is guilty of regarding the name of the Lowell Showboat is that he took some bait from a group calling itself Progress Michigan. They sent out an email about the name of the boat to a few people in Lowell - Alan made the mistake of answering the email. I know how difficult it can be to NOT answer bait - be it on social media or an email. Many times I have gone ahead and jumped into a fray that was pointless. One of the best things I ever read in Mindful magazine was the advice to pause and breathe before hitting the "send" button. I cannot tell you how many times I have typed in a response on social media and then either not posted it or else have gone back to wipe it out. That is why bait works - it is tempting! The other Bait in this tale is that tossed out by MLive is brought to you by what used to be a bunch of newspapers. Disclaimer - I us...