Stuff That Works - Review of Laurie Anderson's Heart of a Dog

Laurie Anderson simultaneously snagged me and blew me away with her entrancing "O Superman" back when vinyl was not a specialty item. Another favorite was her tale of Sharkey's Day a couple years after Superman - I love the way William S Burroughs pronounces Kemosabe - but I digress. Fast forward to a couple months ago. As a follower of Laurie's, I was offered a pre-order deal on the soundtrack of her new movie, "Heart of A Dog".Hell yes - I can order it now and for a couple bucks extra get a signed print??? How to categorize this CD? A guided meditation - a look at life and death through the eyes of a gifted artist - an anti-war statement - wonderful memoir - a warning of the intrusive nature of "security" in these times - sure, all that will do for a start. Laurie's voice has always had the ability to draw me in and hold my wandering "monkey mind" and she does it again here. Who else could transport you to the pain of ...