Ladies and Gentlemen - Put Your Phones Away.....please.

Anyone who spends much time with me, knows how riled I get with folks who text and drive. I ride a motorcycle and I do NOT want to do evasive maneuvers just so YOU can keep up with your Twitter - Instagram - Facebook - or news feed from wherever. However, texting while driving is NOT the subject today. The whole phenomenon of people at an event who are paying more attention to their phones really got my attention at my first MuteMath concert back in March of 2012. Julie and I were among the oldest people in the crowd and we noticed how much more attention the "young people" were paying to their phones even though they were in close proximity to one of the best live bands I have ever seen in concert. (And I have been going to concerts for over 40 years.) At that point I figured the willingness to ignore the world in front of your face in order to pay MORE attention to your cyber world was limited to the aforementioned Young People. The second event th...