Stuff That Works - Chrissie Hynde In Concert

As any long time fan of The Pretenders should know, Chrissie Hynde recently released a solo album, Stockholm, and is doing a tour in support of same. Julie and I have both been longtime fans of Chrissie and we were excited for the opportunity to see her in the Jack White Theatre at The Masonic Temple in Detroit. One more reason for me to love Jack White was given to us by a couple guys we sat next to: The Theatre is named after him because he donated $142K to save the Masonic Temple from bankruptcy - he paid the back taxes. READ ABOUT IT HERE. Way to go Jack. The show opened with The Rails - a duo of Kami Thompson and James Walbourne. It was the two of them with guitars. Kami has a very nice voice and the two of them produced some wonderful harmonies. Walbourne does double duty - after performing with Kami he shreds his electric guitars as a member of Chrissie's touring band: Will Travel. The Main E...