My Story for The Pink Arrow Project in Lowell

This story originally ran in the Lowell Ledger and Buyers Guide . As part of our annual Pink Arrow effort, the local paper(s) publish stories of Lowell folks who have been affected by cancer. (They also have stories of other people who are dealing with grief at Gilda's Club.) Anyway - they were nice enough to let me tell my story - here it is: The Pink Arrow Project was the brain child of one Noel Dean, the varsity football coach at Lowell High School. He noticed how many families in the community were being hit with cancer and he decided his team, the Red Arrows, could turn their uniforms and name to pink for one game in the season and use the money raised to help local people in the fight. If you want to appreciate what "Pink Arrow" has done, spend a few minutes doing an internet search on the subject. Be prepared, get a box of tissues. The results in Lowell are fantastic and the concept has been copied and modified all around the country. Our week...