Throat Cancer Week Three: Everything tastes like ..........

What a thrilling week. Heh-heh. Pretty much lost any semblance of taste buddage I had left. The docs warned me about not eating because of my throat being sore - I figured I would be able to gulp chow past a burning throat. That is tougher than it sounds me droogies, because my mouth n tongue and froat is swollen, so sometimes I gag when trying to get something by. In addition to that challenge, I cannot taste anything anymore. Sounds like no biggie, right? Well, I would not wish it on a dog. Julie makes some fresh green beans and a beautiful roasted chicken - something we have enjoyed in the past. I KNOW HOW THIS IS GONNA TASTE - wait, when I chew it up not only is it hard to swallow, but it tastes like (see below): Best I can speculate is that when I try chewing ANYTHING, my now sludge-like extra thick saliva makes it taste like Bah-Nooor. What makes it worse is that I am married to a very talented cook and she has trained my palate over the years for Yummy. Not...