An homage to Todd Rundgren: Thanks for more than 4 decades of music TR.

First things first - I have been a fan of Todd Rundgren for at least 40 years. I am not very good at stats and remembering dates, but I have seen him in concert many, many times - I know there was one year when I caught Todd/Utopia seven times in and around Michigan. Sure, I listened to his radio stuff - "We Gotta Get You a Woman", "Open My Eyes", and "Hello, It's Me" but Todd really grabbed ahold of me with the Utopia album. I have always enjoyed Prog-Rock most when it presents long songs that introduce a musical theme, riff on it, and return to it. "The Ikon" is over 30 minutes long and used up one side of the vinyl. Never tire of this song - was lucky enough to hear Todd perform it (again) and this whole album a couple years ago in Akron. Blew me away. "Another Live" never gets old for me. The first song "Another Life" was my theme music during my courting days of Julie Claire DeVoe in the year 2000...