Another reason to love Michigan - The Hard Lessons.

Julie and I went to the Local First party in downtown Grand Rapids for my birthday (6/13). We had some great beer and good food, there was a band playing but they didn't grab either of us. After our second beer and stuffed tummies, we decided to head home. Julie stopped for a smoke and we were outside the roped in area the party was in, but we were up by the stage - over to one side. The Hard Lessons were setting up and did their sound check. They got my attention - Augie knows his way around the guitar, the chemistry between he and Korin was palpabable and Ryan was drumming with authority. This was just the sound check and they had us! We stayed for the show and were waaaay impressed. Energy - smiles - kick ass musicianship - energy - The Hard Lessons are all that. If you get a chance to see them, do it. They are playing Rothbury, they play all around Michigan this summer - back in Grand Rapids at Billy's July 9th. Here is a link to their website so you can fi...