Adam Quinn aka Zoom loves to ski....

Adam Quinn is an active 11 year old from Rockford. Maybe “active” is too much of an understatement for Adam – friends have tagged him with the nickname “Zoom” and it seems to fit. This young man has enough energy to power at least part of Al Gore’s compound. We met Adam on the shore of Murray Lake, which is one of his favorite places to expend energy in the summer months. He was waiting for his turn to water ski as part of the inclusive recreation program offered by the City of Kentwood’s Recreation Department. The waterskiing program is hugely popular and the slots for the six week sessions fill up rapidly, according to Val Romeo, the director of the inclusive program. Adam has been learning to ski over the last five weeks and from every indication he is having a blast. Randy Hardy, who has volunteered his time and boat to the adaptive ski program for years, has rigged a boom off the side of the boat and Adam is learning the fundamentals of skiing using the boom. The use of the boom s...