This is what your big discount means.

Here is how it is done ladies and gentlemen. This is a holiday ad for JC Penney that appeared in the December 16th, 2007 issue of Parade magazine. It was 4 pages and had discounts ranging from 40% for the Moissonite jewelry above to 60% off all gold. Here is the kicker. I have included a big white arrow to draw your attention to one part of the ad. The DISCLAIMER stuff. I quoted this part: "Percentages off regular prices as shown. 'Regular' prices reflect offering prices which may not have resulted in actual sales. Regular prices may not have been in effect during the past 90 days or in all trade areas." Okay - By JC Penney's own admission in writing the listed "regular" price are prices "which may not have resulted in actual sales" - what that means is that no one has paid $1,000 for the ring they are selling at 40% off for only $600. Then they go on to admit that "regular prices may not have been in effect during the past 90 days". ...